Apply to Sie Raise SummitThank you for your interest in attending Sie Raise Summit on Tuesday 19th March 2024.Please be sure to check you’re eligible before applying: You must be building a scalable business that is venture-backable and defensible.Your business is launched or in active Beta. Your founding team consists of at least one female co-founder.Your product or service is tech-enabled through mobile or web, or has patentable technology. First Name * Last Name * Company Name * Email * LinkedIn * http:// Describe your company in one sentence * What sector do you operate in? * Consumer Enterprise EdTech Future of Work AgeTech FinTech/InsurTech Media Travel AR/VR PropTech Retail/Beauty DeepTech BioTech/Pharma Cloud Infrastructure Developer Tools Sustainability Sports Legal Impact HealthTech FemTech Quantum Computing Robotics Smart Cities Transportation Space FoodTech AgTech Climate What stage is your company at? * Pre-Seed Seed Series A+ Type of Product or Service you offer * SaaS Software Hardware Mobile apps Physical products Marketplaces How much are you looking to raise? (in GBP) * £25k-£100k £100k-£500k £500k-£1m £1m-£5m £5m+ I don't know yet Valuation (in GBP) * Post-money valuation if this will be an equity round. Valuation cap if this will be SAFE or Convertible Note. Company Website * http:// Location * How many founders do you have? * Single Founder Two Three or more Link to Pitch Deck * Please include a deck that allows access without login. http:// Why are you the right team to build this business? * Are you pre or post revenue? * Pre-revenue Post-revenue Female founders in your founding team: * All-Female Male-Female Where is your company incorporated? * UK Europe US Asia Not incorporated yet How did you hear about us? * How would you describe your ethnicity? * White (English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British, Irish, Gypsy or Irish Traveller, Any other White background) Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups (White and Black Caribbean , White and Black African, White and Asian, Any other Mixed or Multiple ethnic Background) Asian or Asian British (Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Chinese, Any other Asian background) Black, African, Caribbean or Black British (African, Caribbean, Any other Black, African or Caribbean Background) Other Ethnic Group (Arab, any other ethnic group) Prefer not to say Thank you for applying to attend Sie Raise Summit! We’ll be in touch in February, 2024. *By pressing submit, you are agreeing to our Terms & Conditions and agree to receive any communications from Sie Ventures.